Monday, April 27, 2009


Ya tenemos los nombres de los semifinalistas de la categoría principiantes y los finalistas del nivel intermedio... Os recordamos que ha habido un pequeño cambio en la fecha de las finales, que finalmente es el SABADO 9 DE MAYO.

Nos vemos!!

(Haz click en la imagen para ampliar)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The final part from DVS's Dudes Dudes Dudes featuring Torey Pudwill. Go to to watch the full video in it's entirety and subscribe to our podcast to download it for free.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cachet Game of Skate

Aqui teneis algunos momentos del primer fin de semana del campeonato que esta organizando Cachet en el skatepark de Antoniutti. En breve pondremos el cartel con los resultados....

(haz click en la imagen para ampliar)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hola a todos!!

Aquí está el cartel de la primera ronda del campeonato Game of Skate que organiza Cachet aquí en Pamplona a partir de este fin de semana... Iremos publicando los ganadores todas las semanas, así como fotos y vídeos del evento.

Nos vemos!

(Haz click en la imagen para ampliar)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Skate and Create

Skate and Destroy... er, uh, Create? Emerica was part of Transworld Skateboarding Magazine's Skate and Create Project and this video was the result. Definitely the most creative, but apparently they weren't looking for creative, they were looking for polished and professional and already-been-done. But I like the DVS one too.

Skate and Create

Skate and Create Globe

Skate and Create

A DVS Montage from Transworld's Skate & Create contest. Featuring Andrew Brophy, Daewon Song, Keith Hufnagel, Zered Bassett and Torey Pudwill.

Skate and Create

Osiris's Skate and Create video. Featuring: John Rattray, Corey Duffel, Caswell Berry, Shuriken Shannon and Jimmy Carlin. Filmed and edited by Russell Houghten

Globe United by Fate Episode 4

Globe United by Fate Episode 3

Globe United by Fate Episode 2

Globe United by Fate Episode 1

Felipe Gustavo at PHX Am

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Rodrigo Peterson`s section in Organika

Sandwiched in between Zach Lyons and Walker’s part was the newest Organikan, Rodrigo Peterson

Phx am 2009

Phoenix Am 2009 went down this weekend in the heat of the desert. Many amateurs came to destroy the park for their chance at the prize money. It is always a tough competition in the Am world with full grown men and little kids competing, that is why Iam glad I am not a judge. The skaters in the contest are top notch skaters in the world. If I would have been judging I would have given Luan De Oliveira the 1st spot due to all the insane trickery he had going all weekend, But I was not a judge and Cody Davis didn’t fall in any of his runs so he deserved the win. Congrats to everyone who skated and had fun this weekend.

1. Cody Davis
2. Timmy Knuth
3. Luan De Oliveira
4. Bryant Chapo
5. Dustin Blauvelt
6. Chase Webb
7. Kyle Walker
8. Robbie Brockel
9. Scott Decenzo
10. Ke’Chaud Johnson
11. Luis Tolentino

Dannys part at converse square contest

So back in december Danny was in a contest in Brazil, that went something like this:
- 15 skaters (such as Rodrigo Petersen, Fabio Cristiano, Rodrigo Lima, Alex Carolino)
- 3 hours per day to film, during 3 days at a real plaza that they found in the countryside of Brazil
- best video part wins

Danny came in second place with this banging part right here:

Danny Cerezini converse square contest video part! from danny cerezini on Vimeo.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dingo video

Dingo skateboarding video, featuring Luan de Oliveira and Dwayne Fagundes.


This is the first Cachet video, starring Andres, Halan, Leo and Juliano. It`s just a wee edit to promoting the team. A new video is in progress right now, probably will be out by the end of the year.

Halan`s Part

Leo`s Part

Andres`s Part

Juliano`s Part

Friday, April 3, 2009

Eli and Mark

True street skateboarding, that`s the only thing comes to my mind when I think about those guys. Very passionate about skateboarding and with a great future foward. Keep skating guys and hope to see you soon at the new Edinburgh skatepark.

Bang Yoself 2 Montage

This is the new montage of Bang Yoself from

CWB Square

In Curitiba Brazil, you can find one of the best skatepark ever, it`s a private but not indoor skatepark with real street skate course, I`m talking about CWB square, an amazing place to skate.
Watch the video and you`ll see.

Cachet skateshop

Cachet skateshop

